Monday 4 February 2013

Strawberry Nutella Sandwich

This quick snack, with a cup of milk is always my go to snack.
Think about it, Nutella which is basically a chocolate spread, with fresh cut strawberries layed in two slices of bread. Doesn't your mouth just water thinking about it?
Imagine what it tastes like.

What you'll need is:
- 2 slices of any kind of bread (or 1 slice if you're trying to be healthy, and want to make it an open faced sandwich)
- Approx. 3-4 rinsed strawberries sliced
- 1 tbsp. of Nutella

Start by toasting your bread, usually while the bread toasts I slice the strawberries so I'm not just standing around waiting.
Once the toast pops, spread 1/2 tbsp of Nutella on each slice of toast and place the cut strawberries on top of the Nutella.
Close, cut and serve with a cold glass of milk!
Trust me you'll love this, and it's a perfect student study snack.
Quick, healthy and easy.

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